By integrating PDF Generator API with your HR management or payroll software, you are able to pull the data and populate these templates with the data you already have on your HR Management or payroll system, automatically.
By taking advantage of our integrations with the overwhelming majority of the major ecommerce platforms, vendors can pull the data and populate their templates with the data they already have on their platform, automatically.
Drafting contracts and agreements can be a pain for someone not familiar with the legalities of doing business. PDF Generator API automates that process by taking advantage of pre-drafted templates that are filled in automatically based on data on your administration systems.
PDF Generator API is an ideal tool for managing your sales related document generation workflows so your salespeople can focus on what’s most important – generating leads and revenue – to maximize your businesses bottom line.
With PDF Generator API, logistics teams are able to automatically generate the needed documentation based on data in their logistics software. The document templates can be modified using our simple-to-use drag-and-drop template editor.
Turn any document that your business generates into a marketing vehicle. PDF Generator API enables you to create a template for any document that you need. All these templates are easily manageable with our PDF editor. So, by integrating PDF Generator API with your CRM, you are able to pull the data and populate these templates, automatically. And the best part is that your marketing department is able to control and edit the look and feel of any document without a single line of coding.
Whether you need different invoice templates for VAT Marginal and Reverse VAT sales, want to have different brand names on the invoices or just want to add personalized marketing messages on invoice templates, with PDF Generator API you can do all that.